
Junior Secondary

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       Junior Secondary Philosophy

Junior Secondary at Everton Park State High School fosters the development of responsible, thoughtful and socially just young people for life in a technological and global society. Our dynamic, contemporary and futures-oriented environment will challenge students to collaboratively and independently explore and create, to make decisions and to actively participate in and be accountable for their learning.

Distinct Identity

Students are supported to develop their own group identity within the broader school community, and to have a strong sense of belonging through ownership of their school and their learning.  Students achieve their individual potential, incorporating the school values of Being Responsible, Being Respectful and Being Your Best.

Quality Teaching

The learning and achievement of Junior Secondary students is supported by highly skilled teachers with excellent knowledge and practice in quality teaching and a breadth of curriculum experiences appropriate for this age group.

Foundations :

Our school Foundations of Community Connections, Global Citizenship and Diversity, Leadership, Learning and Wellbeing drive our focus to ensure that we create bright futures for our students.


Leadership opportunities for staff and students are delivered through a strong focus on support for Junior Secondary students. This includes leadership camps and excursions, mentoring opportunities and supported coaching conversations with experienced external agencies.


Student wellbeing builds a foundation of success by embedding social and personal competencies across all facets of school life; incorporating a healthy lifestyle of good nutrition and exercise. We strive to ensure we have a respectful, safe, caring and inclusive learning environment.

The Heads of Year are supported by Home Group teachers and members of Administration and will work with class teachers, Heads of Departments, parents and families to monitor students' progress and wellbeing.


A range of learning experiences, across a breadth of curriculum, ensures that we develop engaged, creative learners who exhibit 21st Century Skills; critical and creative thinking, communication, ICT skills, collaboration and teamwork, personal and social skills.  This means that students can be their best – innovators, empowered, life long learners who strive to be responsible global citizens.

Community Connections

A strong partnership between the school and the community is built upon our core values.  There are a range of opportunities for parents and community to work with the school to extend students learning.

Students have the opportunity to shape their community through involvement in the Student Representative Council. Local school communities through the P & C Association or School Council help to influence the shape of the Junior Secondary experience.

Global Citizenship and Diversity

Our diverse curriculum and extra-curricular activities, clubs and committees have sculpted a culture which values diverse connections, celebrates cultures, embraces diversity and creates a sustainable future. Cultivating global citizens who are empowered and committed to create bright futures for themselves is our goal.


Last reviewed 06 November 2023
Last updated 06 November 2023